Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Crucible

Abigail, who is 17 years old,was the servant for the Proctor house before. Abigail was fired by Ms. Proctor after she found out Abigail’s affair with her husband, John. Abigail and Tituba, who is a slave too, led the local girls danced in the Salem over a fire. Rumors of witchcraft fly, and Abigail tries to frame the town's people to get the advantages. She accuses a lot of citizens. Finally, she accuses Elizabeth in order to get marry with John. John says that Abigail “hopes to dance with me.” She is manipulative person. She get away Salem during the trials.
In act one,she fully showed her manipulation. She pins the whole thing on Tituba and some of Salem’s citizens when she was scolding by the others. She was acting like she cared about Betty in the beginning but in the end she turned out to be a big manipulator.


  1. Anita, I like how you analyzed Abigail in total, and gave all the information about the Abigail, and I agree with you that Abigail is a manipulator. However, I think you can try to put more examples in and some texts to prove why she is a manipulator, thus it could make your piece stronger and more persuasive. Good job tho ;)

  2. Overall, you have showed that Abigail is a manipulative person. I like how you give some basic background information about the character at the very beginning so people can know very clearly which person are you talking about when people only remember the character’s name but don’t really remember what is she doing in the play. However, I think your analysis will be better when you have more examples to support how manipulative she is; I think maybe you can to add some quotes. But still, well done Anita!

    1. thanks for commenting so much, love you

    2. p.s. thank you for your reading, and thank you for your patient.

  3. You did a great summary on Abigail in the first act of the play.
    Giving facts about the things she has done, then doing further explanation on why you recon Abigail is considered as a manipulative person in this play.
    You've done a really good summary, with more phrases and quotes on what Abigail has said that can determine she is a manipulative person, can make your summary perfect.

    1. thank you for your suggestion. I appreciate very much that you finished reading this paragraph.

  4. We wrote the same character. I agree with u that she's manipulate. She's affair with John proctor and I believe that she framed other people .

    1. Wow!! such a great comment, huh? kkk
      just kidding , thanks
