Sunday, September 13, 2015

The meaning of "The Crucible"

The title of “The Crucible” can be defined in two meaning. The first one is defined as a container in which metals are subjected to high temperature; the container can also purify metal. It is a good metaphor for the bloody village of Salem. The village of Salem is a puritan society, this can connect with the meaning of container. The content of this “crucible” are the Salem’s citizens with their excessive emotion. The crucible which is full of the accusations of witchcraft can also been regarded as a melting pot. At the beginning of the story, the majority of the victims are slaves and rovers; however, witchcraft gradually turn into an inordinate enemy when citizens are charged such as Elizabeth.

The second meaning of crucible is “severe test”. The entire society of Salem is a severe and difficult test throughout the whole trial. For example, John Proctor was once put through a severe test of faith of the court and of God. Yet John found that he could not cast away his clan’s reputation in signing a confession at the end. All of the villagers who encounter the trial go through the severe test, and that is why “The Crucible” comes from.

Sunday, September 06, 2015

The Crucible- Act three

Mary used to be a sympathetic and weak girl; however, she changed at the act three. Mary was one of the girls who were caught by dancing in the forest. She was part of the court that denounces witches. She seemed to enjoy the power that Abigail “gave” her. When more and more innocent people began to be accused, she started to feel guilty. She made a poppet for Elizabeth, which gave a chance to Abigail for accusing Elizabeth. This made Mary feel so terrible that she agreed to testify against with John.

Mary plucked up her courage, she went to the court, confessed that she was just pretending to be witched. There was no devil. When Danforth asked the others girls whether they were pretending or not, the girls began to act like they were bewitched by Mary. Mary told them to stop, but they just repeated everything she said. Mary gave in to the pressure gradually. She started to sob, confessing that John made her sign her name in Devil and convinced her to testify against Abigail in court. I thought that Mary may save the innocent people at first, but now she rejoined the girls again. I cannot say that she is a bad girl. Though she brought John’s name up in court, I know that she just wants to save her own life. 

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

The Crucible Act II

Abigail is a skillful liar. She frightened the villagers and the Court by fainting, and falling with stomachache.  Abigail had witnessed Mary putting the needle in a doll during the court. She pretended she was stuck by a needle and claimed that Mary's doll was shown to have a needle stuck in its center. The Court discovered the doll in the Proctor home with a needle inside it, and Elizabeth soon finds herself arrested for witchcraft. Abigail became aware of her influence in the village and the Court. In this act, Abigail's influence over has already begun to run. She started to accuse other people making the villagers’attention turn to other people. Salem is suspicious of witchcraft.
“I know not if you are aware, but your wife’s name is - mentioned in the court.”

This quote shows the power of Abigail. She just only needs to mention one’s name instead of accusing somebody, and the court will charge that person as guilty. The horrible thing is that no proof can prove their innocence.  People can only save their life by confessing. Though Abigail cannot offer a proof, but the fear of witchcraft that she had already created had influenced the whole society.